If you are a doctor, speech language pathologist, audiologist, or other medical professional, you are in the right place to learn more about our retention solutions and how they can help your patients be more successful with their off-ear cochlear implant processors.
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Our History
C.I. Retention Solutions was born out of necessity, with a healthy dose of ingenuity, love, and luck.
As parents of a child with a cochlear implant, we experienced first-hand the barriers to keeping implant processors on young, active little ones, as well as children with special needs. It was discouraging to be so motivated to giving our child consistent access to sound but be thwarted at every turn. Even sitting on the couch watching TV was a challenge, because every time she turned her head, it brushed the processor right off. It turns out, however, retention problems are not limited to children- they affect adults of all ages and activity levels.
We tried to fashion our own, homemade retention solution (if you want a good laugh, ask us for a photo!) but it wasn't as secure or sleek as we wanted. We took our issues and our processor to a local 3D printing company and they were truly incredible in designing a solution that would work not only for us, but other implant users.
We are incredibly grateful for the wonderful healthcare professionals that have served us and our child and we look forward to helping you help your patients.
Using the Cases
First and foremost, it takes a little practice to get the cases properly secured to the hair. Do not be discouraged if the cases "don't work" the first time you try them!
It is important to get the clips in just the right place, such that there is tension to keep the processor in place without pulling the hair.
We have found that people who are familiar with the patient's hair have the best success (in our house, that would be mom!) We have also found it is easier to get the clips to "stick" in the hair with up-dos. A little bit of hair spray on the hair helps the clips get a tight grip.
People with short hair must use the clips with the claws facing up; if not, the clips just slide right out. People with long hair can go either way, and may prefer claws up for one hair style and claws down for another.
Make sure you get a fairly big 'bite' of hair when using the clips; if there is not enough hair, the weight of the processor will slowly pull the clips down until it is dangling on the hair and not firmly secured to the magnet. Putting a little bit of tension on the hair as you slide the clips in helps.
Check out the videos in our FAQs- it shows how to put the clips on long and short hair.
Partner With Us
First and foremost, our goal is to help people. If you have a patient that is in need but cannot afford our cases, please reach out to us. We will work together to make some magic happen.
If you are interested in selling our cases in your office, let us know. We can provide discounts for bulk orders of 20 or more. While it is easier to send patients to purchase from us directly, nothing beats the patient satisfaction of walking out of your office after activation with a processor that actually stays on their head.
If you need business cards, flyers, and marketing materials for your office, we have them.
We very grateful for word-of-mouth recommendations; if you have a colleague who is in the field of speech language pathology, audiology, or medicine who cares for patients who would benefit from our products, please point them in our direction.
Last but not least, we are very active on social media. Consider following us on Facebook or Instagram for the latest information about our products, as well as occasional promo codes and sales. We are especially grateful when people post pictures of the cases "in the wild"- one post on social media can result in multiple orders, which means a lot to our small business.